Business Management System & Safety, Quality, Environmental Policy Statement
It is Chiyoda International Corporation’s (CIC) policy to recognize that all activities must be performed in a responsible manner leading to sustainable development by balancing the advancement of humankind and conservation of the global environment. CIC shall, through cooperation with our clients as well as other concerned companies, governmental authorities and communities endeavour to satisfy the requirements and needs of clients, and society in general, by following our Safety, Quality and Environmental (SQE) policy through the application of our Business Management System (BMS).
- Recognize that each individual person has the duty and responsibility to promote BMS and SQE activities and enhance awareness, knowledge and competence through continuing education and training.
- Provide high-quality Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and Commissioning (EPCM+C) services which meet the requirements of clients and society related to Safety, Quality and Environmental management requirements by utilizing CIC’s technology and engineering capabilities.
- Minimize SQE risks, including injuries and occupational disease during planning, design, procurement and construction, through the lifetime of a project, to a level As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) by striving to identify every potential hazard and implementing mitigation controls. Take advantage of opportunities to advance the company forward.
- Optimize the usage of natural resources and energy, reduce effluent and waste produced and recover usable material to achieve a low-carbon society through carbon management, including research and development of technologies to prevent or to resolve environmental problems; transfer and spread such technologies globally to facilitate the expansion of sustainable development.
- Comply with relevant SQE legislation and regulations and BMS standards, and with other requirements to which CIC subscribes.
- Ensure the continual improvements of CIC’s Business management systems.
- CIC is a project-driven organization. CIC’s commitment to quality is to execute each project in a consistent and reliable manner following established CIC processes and procedures – doing it right the first time.
- Maintaining exceptional safety standards is key to the effective execution of projects in line with our core belief that every incident is preventable.
Each individual staff member shall follow the directives set forth in this policy.
We will strive to be the most reliable Project Company in the world through execution of SQE activities according to BMS standards